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A widely cited scholar on Indian Mantras defines Mantras as general name for the verses, formulas or sequence of words in prose which contain praise, are believed to have religious, magical or spiritual efficiency, which are meditated upon, recited, muttered, sung or heard in a ritual, and which are collected in the methodically arranged ancient texts of Hinduism.

For over 4000 years, in early Vedic period these Mantras were revealed by the seers and were transmitted from one Hindu generation to next verbally but never written. These scared Mantras are the quintessence of eternal truths and are believed to be DIVYAVWANI revealed to the self-realised Seers only.

In later Vedic period (2000 BC to 500 BC) as the Vedas, Puranas and Epics were composed in Sanskrit, Mantras thus developed into blend of art and science with supernatural powers, which spiritually transformed mysterious uncertainties of life into the transcendental spiritual bliss.

After 15th century AD some of this work were translated or composed in Hindi or Local Languages by learned Saints too.

Bharat, once called Golden Bird, mercilessly robbed and looted by foreign mercenary or invaders and plunged into era of slavery. These mantras gradually started facing extinction. However some religious publishers or press kept printing them despite odd situations.

Our Vision is to revive and compile these mantras / epics or creation in audio format so that it becomes accessible to society at large.


Our Mission is to preserve the cultural and spiritual heritage of these rare and ancient Mantras / Slokhas / Stotras / Verses / Holy composition etc. These treasures should be protected and accessible to all Hindus, in Bharat and around the world.

We are recording these compositions in audio format, so that it becomes accessible to society at large. These compositions are powerful with supernatural powers, they harness energy of universe and said to have delivered magical remedies. Our Mission is also to create awareness of power of these Holy Mantras or creations.